International Conflict Resolution

The pace of business globalization continues to increase. As a result, companies are faced with the daunting task of effectively integrating a culturally diverse workforce into an environment that enables each employee to perform to the best of his/her ability. In order to achieve this objective, managers must learn how to create a workplace where the traditions, mannerisms and business styles of all employees and external stakeholders are understood and respected – and an environment where there is an effective process for international conflict resolution.

Business MeetingMulticultural colleagues located down the hall or dispersed across regions will inevitably have disagreements.  Generally, the conflicts go beyond linguistic obstacles and are rooted in cultural misinterpretations. Universal Consensus international conflict resolution capabilities are extensive. We have helped both Fortune 500 companies and international governments improve their international conflict resolution skills. Take it from them:

Universal Consensus training for us made the entire trip to the United States worthwhile.  Our delegation intends to [implement] the program they have established with high hopes that it will make us more productive as we strive for peace and prosperity in our region.” – Mr. Abinadje Ag Abdallah, Mayor, City of Aljelhoc, Mali.

“We would like to formally request of the U.S. State Department to use the services of Universal Consensus in Benin to assist us in moving forward their international conflict resolution [agenda] and program.” Mr. Zacharie Mahoutin Dah-Sekpo, President, Second Commercial Court and Fourth Civilian Court, Benin.

Our International Conflict Resolution Solution

The team at Universal Consensus has developed and honed an empirically-tested Business Model of Intercultural Consensus (BMIC™) that has been used as a training tool for international conflict resolution in multinational businesses, government agencies, and universities as a way of overcoming cross-cultural conflicts while strengthening the camaraderie of a multicultural workforce. The BMIC™ framework is unique International Conflict Resolution Model which is an adaptation of the Western Facilitative Mediation Model for Non-Western cultures. Universal Consensus CEO Denise Pirrotti Hummel is a renowned speaker and writer and former adjunct professor on international conflict resolution issues. Ms. Pirrotti Hummel is also a certified mediator.

Businesses often seek Universal Consensus support to:

• Prepare a customized cross-cultural training program for the executive team as well as employees.
• Act as a mediator in an effort to resolve cross-cultural conflicts within an organization.
• Create a “Train the Trainer” model that empowers managers with the skill set necessary to teach employees how to resolve conflicts at work. Trainers will then be able to roll-out their knowledge internally.
• Provide a training session explaining the impact of culture on conflict resolution.
• Equip teams with skill set to improve the decision making process and foster collaboration.
• Neutralize cultural bias.

Critical Competence

A recent Booz Allen Hamilton survey among global executives found that “demonstrates respect for others” was the most sought after quality when hiring new employees – even more important than formal qualifications. The challenge now for employers, governments, and employees alike is to better identify and advance these vital skills. Universal Consensus is unique in bringing a truly objective-oriented and cross-cultural component into international conflict resolution.

“If all the nations could embrace Universal Consensus program, we might actually develop such a sense of awareness and compassion through understanding each other, that the military of nations might become defunct for all but the gravest transgressions.” – H.E. Akel Biltaji – Minister to King Abdullah II of Jordan

We are more than happy to answer any questions you might have or supply you with additional general information. Send us an e-mail via our contact form or call our office at +1 (619) 567-2557 [GMT-8].

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611 K Street, Suite B146
San Diego, California 92101, USA
+1 (619) 567-2557
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